Accounting and Reporting Services...


Payroll Services

  • Preparation of financial obligations regarding the company payroll.
  • Reporting the results of payroll calculations.
  • Determining the net amount payable to the staff and preparing instructions for the bank.
  • Severance pay management, including assessment of rights in connection with terminations of contract and the preparation of the appropriate legal records and documents.

Establishment Of Acconting And Costing System Services

  • Supporting the transition to new accounting software, creation of the appropriate accounts for operations and reporting, including activities such as crerating a cost effective system.

Accounting and Financial Support Services

  • Maintaning the official financial accounts for each business sector, implementation of accounting and management of financial and tax repoerts.

Preparation Of Tax Returns and Declare Services

  • Provides a limited review of the related tex accounts for the preparation of returns.

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